Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

So this is my one year anniversary of blogging. My how time flies! Seems just like yesterday I posted something new! Ha,ha. Unlike other blogs that I read in blogland I will not be having any "give aways" or drawings for prizes...but I will celebrate with a new post. Can't believe an entire year has gone by. The sad thing is I can't even remember most of it. Actually I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning!
Maybe I'm getting old, maybe our lives are too busy, or maybe life is just too mundane. I don't know. But I do know that I watched and listened to up-lifting and inspiring talks all weekend and feel renewed.
Life is the same around here most days. I do get a laugh now and then at the expense of my kids and sometimes I just get the frustration that comes from trying to raise them to be thinking, respectable, contributing members of society. Oh well. We will just keep moving forward or like I like to tell them, get in, sit down, shut up, and hang on! Enjoy the journey!